EU workplace and process safety legislation is crucial for ensuring the well-being of the nearly 170 million workers across the EU. The field of workplace and process safety (WPS) has seen significant growth, intensification, and changes in recent years. As competition and resources become increasingly scarce, companies are under pressure to scrutinize investments, including those in safety measures. Better guidance and greater certainty in safety practices are needed. Unfortunately, economic pressures in many countries are leading to a decrease or disappearance of WPS education on the academic level.
The Safety4EU Module aims to enhance education in European studies at the University of Nis (UNI) by using an innovative approach to teaching and learning, tailored to the needs of advanced undergraduate students, master's students from UNI as well as young professionals in the safety sector, policymakers, and the general public with a strong understanding and interest in WPS.
Safety4EU is based on three main pillars: teaching, research, and collaboration with various triple helix stakeholders such as individual researchers/academics, safety professionals from both public and private companies, and policy makers. It is coherently structured (with 12 courses), system-led, and underpinned by quantitative analysis. The Safety4EU aims to foster the publication and dissemination of the results of relevant research work in the field of WPS. The Module envisages several collaboration actions that will foster dialogue between the academic world and society and reach out to a wider public spreading knowledge regarding the EU WPS legislation and best practices to the general, nonspecialized public.
Our multidisciplinary, gender-balanced team, backed by seasoned academic scholars from diverse fields: mechanical engineering, occupational safety engineering, computer engineering, architecture, psychology, and economy guaranties successful Module implementation.
Na Univerzitetu u Nišu 14.03.2024. godine u 12h u Sali broj 7 u sklopu realizacije ERASMUS+ Jean Monnet modula “Workplace and Process Safety in Next Generation Europe - Teaching for Learning“ (Safety4EU) održaće se radni sto pod nazivom „State and trends of Workplace and Process Safety in the EU and easiest ways for their implementation in Serbia”. Pozivaju se svi zainteresovani da uzmu učešće u skupu. Radni jezik skupa je engleski.
Žan Mone modul "Bezbednost na radu i u tehnološkim procesima u Evropi sledeće generacije - Safety4EU" prezentiran u okviru interproject coach meeting-а u sklopu ERASMUS+ projekta Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs - DGTRANS
U okviru interproject coach meeting-а u sklopu ERASMUS+ projekta Transport of Dangerous Goods - Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs - DGTRANS, Dr Milan Protić je prezentovao nedavno odobreni Jean Monnet Modul Workplace and Process Safety in Next Generation Europe - Teaching for Learning - Safety4E kojim rukovodi i na kome je angažovano osam nastavnika Fakulteta zaštite na radu.
Univerzitet u Nišu - Konkurs za upis polaznika na Žan Mone modul "Bezbednost na radu i u tehnološkim procesima u Evropi sledeće generacije - Safety4EU"
Fakultet zaštite na radu u Nišu - Konkurs za upis polaznika na Žan Mone modul "Bezbednost na radu i u tehnološkim procesima u Evropi sledeće generacije - Safety4EU
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.